1. 〔全体〕the medical staff;〔個人〕a member of the medical staff, a physician
  1. a doctor's [medical practitioner's] office;a doctor's clinic;《英》 a doctor's surgery
    • 山田医院
    • Dr. Yamada's office/the Yamada Clinic
  1. 医院長the chief physician;〔外科医〕the chief surgeon
  1. 〔全体〕a committee, a commission(▼commissionは主に政府の任命による);〔個人〕a member of a committee, a committee member
    • 私は運営委員に選ばれた
    • I was elected to the steering committee.
    • 私は財務委員です
    • I am on [a member of] the finance committee.
    • 各クラスから実行委員が出ている
    • Each class is represented on the executive committee.
  1. 委員会委員会
  1. 委員長a chairperson;《口》 a chair;〔男性〕a chairman;〔女性〕a chairwoman
    • その議案は委員付託となった
    • The bill 「was referred to (a) [went into] committee.

