1. a family(▼伴う動詞は家族を1単位としていうときは単数形,複数の人たちと考えていうときは複数形)
    • 家族の一員
    • 「a member [one] of the family
    • うちは5人家族だ
    • We are a family of five.
    • 家族が多い[少ない]
    • I have a large [small] family.
    • 彼の家族は皆犬が好きだ
    • Everyone in his family likes dogs.
    • 彼は家族連れで遊園地へ行った
    • He took his family to an amusement park.
    • 公園は近所の家族連れで賑わっていた
    • The park was crowded with neighborhood families.
    • 家族向きの旅館
    • a family hotel
    • 彼は家族思いだ
    • He 「loves [is devoted to] his family.
  1. 家族会議a family council
  1. 家族経営family management [ownership]
    • このパン屋は家族経営の店だ
    • This bakery is a family-run shop./This bakery is managed [run] by the family.
  1. 家族計画family planning
  1. 家族制度the family system
  1. 家族手当a family allowance
  1. 家族医療費dependents' medical expenses
  1. 家族割引き運賃a family plan fare
  1. 〔総称〕the nobility, the peerage;〔男〕a nobleman;〔女〕a noblewoman
    • 祖母は華族の出です
    • My grandmother 「is of noble birth [comes from a noble family].

