1. completion; perfection

    完成する finish;〔完全なものにする〕complete;〔物事が終わる〕be finished, be completed

    • 橋は来月完成する
    • The bridge will be completed next month.
    • ロケットエンジンはいよいよ完成に近づいた
    • The rocket engine has now been nearly perfected.
    • 年内に絵を完成しようと努めている
    • He is trying to finish the painting before the end of the year.
  1. 完成引き渡し工事契約a full turnkey contract
  1. 完成予想図an architect's conception (of the finished building)
  1. 完成品finished goods
  1. a system of government

    官製の government-manufactured

  1. 官製談合bureaucracy-organized bid-rigging; bid-rigging initiated [facilitated] by government officials
    • 官製談合を防止する法律が成立した
    • A law was passed to prevent bid-rigging organized by bureaucrats.
  1. I〔落とし穴〕a snare; a trap
  1. II〔人を落とし入れる計略〕a plot
    • 陥穽に陥る
    • fall into a pit/be caught in a trap/《文》 fall victim to a person's plotわな(罠)

    乾性の dry

  1. 乾性塗料dry paints
  1. 乾性肋膜ろくまくdry pleurisy
  1. an excited cry
    • 喚声を上げる
    • cry out excitedly
  1. a war cry
    • 喊声を上げる
    • give a war [battle] cry
  1. a shout of joy; a cheer; a hurrah
    • 歓声を上げる
    • give a shout of joy
    • 期せずして歓声が沸き上がった
    • Suddenly a great cheer arose.
  1. quietness

    閑静な quiet

    • 閑静な住宅街
    • a quiet residential quarter [area]
  1. sensitivity
    • 感性の鋭い人
    • a sensitive person ⇒感受性
  1. 〔物理で〕inertia
    • 慣性の法則
    • the law of inertia
  1. 慣性飛行〔宇宙船などの〕inertial guidance [navigation]
  1. control; controlling
    • 地上管制センター
    • a ground control center
    • 灯火管制
    • a blackout/a brownout
    • 当時は国中に報道管制が敷かれていた
    • In those days there was news censorship all over the country.
  1. 管制官a controller
  1. 管制塔a control tower

