1. balance;〔均衡のとれた状態〕equilibrium;〔同点〕a tie
    • 勢力の均衡を保つ[破る]
    • maintain [upset] the balance of power
    • 彼は体の均衡を失って倒れた
    • He lost his balance and fell.
    • 均衡のとれた食事
    • a balanced diet
    • 均衡のとれない予算
    • an unbalanced budget
    • 輸出入の均衡がよくとれている
    • There is a good balance between exports and imports./Imports and exports are well balanced.
    • 心の均衡が崩れた
    • His mental equilibrium was upset.
    • 山田の二塁打は均衡を破る一打となった
    • Yamada's double was the hit that broke the tie.
  1. 均衡価格an equilibrium price
  1. 均衡予算a balanced budget
    • 東京とその近郊
    • Tokyo and 「the surrounding districts [《文》 its environs]
    • 東京近郊に
    • in the suburbs of Tokyo/on the outskirts of Tokyo
    • 近郊の住宅
    • suburban residences
  1. 近郊都市neighboring towns; the towns around a large city
  1. 近郊農業agriculture in suburban areas
  1. 〔金の〕a goldsmith;〔金属の〕a metalworker
  1. 1〔鉱石〕gold ore
  1. 2〔鉱山〕a gold mine

