1. the original form
    • この彫像はもう原形を留めていない
    • This statue retains nothing of its original form.
    • それは原形を留めぬまでに破壊された
    • It was so badly damaged that it could not be recognized.
  1. a model; a prototype; an archetype
    • 唐の長安が平城京の原型である
    • Chang'an in China was the model for ancient Nara.
  1. mitigation of a penalty; commutation of a sentence

    減刑する mitigate [commute] a sentence(▼commuteは主に死刑からの減刑)

    • 彼は死刑を無期懲役に減刑された
    • His death sentence was commuted [reduced] to life imprisonment.

