1. selfishness; a selfish motive
    • 私心のない
    • unselfish/disinterested
    • 彼は決して私心をはさむことがない
    • He never acts from ulterior motives./He is always impartial [disinterested].
  1. a private message [letter]
  1. I〔計器の針〕an indicator, a pointer, an index ((複 ~es, -dices));〔磁石の針〕a compass needle
  1. II〔手引き〕a guiding principle
    • 彼は私に生涯の指針を与えてくれた
    • He has given me the principle that guides my life.
    • 行動の指針を示す
    • 「set forth [indicate] guidelines for a person's conduct
  1. poetic inspiration
  1. the Muse

