1. 〔小人数の宴会〕 ((hold)) a small party;〔略式の〕an informal dinner
  1. a manor [mǽnər]
    • 荘園の領主
    • the lord of a manor
    • 荘園の領主の邸宅
    • a manor house
  1. 荘園制度the manorial system

    消炎する reduce (an) inflammation

  1. 消炎剤an antiphlogistic [æ`ntaifloudʒístik|-ti-]
    • 硝煙弾雨を浴びて
    • amidst the smoke of powder and a shower of bullets
    • 警察が彼の手の硝煙反応を調べた
    • The police tested his hands for gun powder burns.
    • 警察は彼の衣服から硝煙反応を検出した
    • The police detected traces of powder on his clothing.

