1. a serious illness
    • 重症である
    • be seriously ill
  1. 重症患者a serious case
    • 二[三/四/五]重唱
    • a duet [trio/quartet(te)/quintet(te)]
    • 二[三]重唱する
    • sing in two [three] parts
  1. a serious [severe] wound [injury](▼woundは銃,刃物,武器による外傷)
    • 足に重傷を負う
    • be seriously wounded [injured] in the leg/suffer a serious leg injury [wound]
    • 重傷を負わせる
    • cause serious injury ((to a person))/injure a person seriously
  1. 重傷者a severely wounded [injured] person
    • 重傷者はただちに病院に運ばれた
    • Those severely [badly] injured were immediately taken to a hospital.
    • 死者1名,重傷者8名
    • One killed, eight seriously wounded.
  1. a serious handicap
  1. 重障児[重障者]a seriously handicapped child [person]
  1. a gunstock

