• 天皇に絵巻物を奉呈する
    • present the Emperor with a picture scroll/present a picture scroll to the Emperor
  1. a (law) court; a court of justice [law]
    • 大法廷
    • the court en banc/the full court [bench]/the grand bench
    • 小法廷
    • a regular panel/a petty bench
    • 軍事法廷
    • a military courta court martial (board)
    • 法廷は4月1日から開く
    • Court will convene on April 1.
    • 法廷は開廷中だ
    • The court is 「now in session [sitting now].
    • 事件を法廷に持ち出した
    • They brought the case before the court.
    • その事件を法廷に持ち出さずに解決した
    • They settled the affair out of court.
    • 彼は明日法廷に出頭する
    • He will appear in court tomorrow.
    • 彼と法廷で争った
    • We took him to court./We brought 「a suit [an action] against him.
    • その事件は法廷で解決した[係争中であった]
    • The case was resolved [pending] in court.
    • 法廷闘争に持ち込む
    • carry one's struggle into the courts [courtroom]
  1. 法廷侮辱罪contempt of court

    法定の legal; designated by law

  1. 法定貨幣legal tender
  1. 法定休日〔米国の〕a legal holiday
  1. 法定金利the legal interest rate
  1. 法定後見人a legal [statutory] guardian
  1. 法定最低賃金the legal minimum wage
  1. 法定準備金legal reserves
  1. 法定数a quorum
  1. 法定相続人a legal heir ((to))
  1. 法定相続分((a person's)) legal portion of an inheritance
  1. 法定伝染病a legally designated infectious disease
  1. 法定得票数the minimum number of votes required by law for a person to be elected (to public office)
  1. 法定労働時間legal working hours

