1. 1〔向かせる〕turn
    • 窓の方に顔[目]を向ける
    • turn one's face [eyes] towards the window
    • 銃を男に向けた
    • He pointed his gun at the man.
    • 顔を上に向けて
    • with one's face turned upward
    • 戸口に背を向けて立つ
    • stand with one's back to the door
    • 機首を東に向けた
    • He swung the plane eastward.
    • 北海道へと足を向ける
    • head for Hokkaido
    • 新しい事態に皆の注意を向けた
    • He called their attention to the new situation.
    • 計画に背を向ける
    • turn one's back on a project
  1. 2〔目指す〕
    • フランスに向けて出発した
    • He set off for France.
    • その皮肉は私に向けられたものだった
    • That sarcasm [sarcastic remark] was directed at me.
    • 問題解決に向けて努力した
    • They worked toward(s) a solution of the problem.
  1. 3〔行かせる〕send
    • 使者を向ける
    • send a messenger ((to))
  1. 4〔充てる〕apply ((to))
    • 研究に心を向けた
    • He applied his mind to study.
    • その金は旅費に向けた
    • He used the money (to pay) for a trip.
    • 一日のうち2時間をピアノの練習に向けている
    • She allots two hours a day to practicing the piano.
    • 鼻の皮がむけた
    • The skin on my nose has peeled [come] off.
    • ロープでこすれて手の皮がむけた
    • My hands are raw from the chafing of the rope.

