1. 〔生物で〕有性の sexed;sexual
  1. 有性生殖sexual reproduction
  1. 有性世代a sexual generation
  1. postal service [administration]
    • 日本郵政株式会社
    • Japan Post Holdings Co., Ltd.
  1. 郵政民営化postal privatization; privatization of postal service
  1. a planet ⇒わくせい(惑星)
    • 小遊星
    • a planetoid/a minor [small] planet
  1. 優生学eugenics [juːdʒéniks]
    • 優生学上この結婚は望ましくない
    • 「From a eugenic point of view [Eugenically (speaking)], this marriage is undesirable.
  1. 優生学者a eugenist
  1. 優生結婚(a) eugenic marriage
  1. 優生手術〔不妊手術〕sterilization
  1. 優生保護法the Eugenic Protection Act
  1. 〔遺伝で〕dominance

    優性の dominant

  1. 優性遺伝prepotence [pripóutns]
  1. 優性遺伝子[因子]a dominant gene
  1. 優性形質a dominant trait [tréit|tréi] [characteristic]
  1. 〔優越〕superiority;〔他のすべてに断然まさること〕predominance

    優勢な 〔優位に立つ〕superior ((to));〔支配的な〕predominant

    • 敵は物量的に優勢であった
    • The enemy was superior to us materially./The enemy had material superiority over us./The enemy was far better supplied than we were.
    • 議会では保守党が優勢を占めている
    • The conservative party holds sway in the Diet./The Diet is dominated by the conservatives.
    • 市長選で山田氏は最初から優勢を保った
    • Mr. Yamada had been in the lead from the start for the mayorship.
    • 彼の説が優勢になってきている
    • His opinion has gained predominance.

