1. a baby; an infant; a little child;〔学齢期前の〕a child under school age, a preschool child

    幼児の infant

  1. 幼児化症候群infantilism syndrome
  1. 幼児学校《英》 an infant school
  1. 幼児期infancy; babyhood
  1. 幼児教育early childhood education
  1. 幼児語baby talk
    • 幼時の記憶がよみがえって来た
    • Memories of my childhood days came back to me.
    • 彼女は幼時から聡明だった
    • She was bright even 「when she was a little girl [as a child].
    • 用字は正確に
    • Make sure that you use the right characters.
  1. business
    • 父は用事で大阪へ行った
    • My father went to Osaka on business.
    • 今日は別に用事がない
    • I don't have anything in particular to do today.
    • もう一つ用事があるので失礼いたします
    • As I have 「another engagement [something else to do], I must leave now.
    • 君に用事があるのだが
    • I have something to talk to you about.
  1. a toothpick
    • ようじを使う
    • use a toothpick/pick one's teeth (with a toothpick)

