1. 1〔乱雑なこと〕disorder;((in)) disarray
    • あの髪の乱れから見ると起きたばかりらしい
    • Judging from the disarray [mess] her hair is in, she seems to have just got up.
    • 服の乱れを直す
    • tidy one's clothing
    • 書類の乱れを直す
    • put papers in order
  1. 2〔秩序などが崩れること〕disorder, (a) confusion;〔騒動〕a disturbance
    • 世の乱れ
    • social unrest [disturbances]
    • この会社の経理の乱れはひどい
    • The financial affairs of this company are in 「terrible disorder [《口》 an awful mess].
    • 党の結束にひどい乱れが見られる
    • Party unity is in disarray.
  1. 3〔心の動揺〕
    • 心の乱れを隠した
    • She concealed her inward agitation.
  1. 乱れ籠a clothes basket

