1. makeup

    化粧する[している] 「put on [wear] makeup

    • 厚[薄]化粧
    • heavy [light] makeup
    • 化粧を落とす
    • remove one's makeup
    • 化粧したことがない
    • I have never worn makeup.
    • 彼女はトイレで化粧しているよ
    • 《口》 She's in the ladies' room doing her face.
    • 彼女は化粧するのに1時間もかかる
    • It takes her an hour to 「make herself up [〔おどけて〕put on her face].
  1. 化粧着《米》 a bathrobe, a dressing gown
    • 化粧崩れした
    • Her makeup has come off.
    • 化粧崩れを直す
    • 「touch up [repair] one's makeup
  1. 化粧紙a tissue (for smoothing makeup)
  1. 化粧下makeup base; foundation
  1. 化粧室1〔トイレ〕〔家庭などの〕a bathroom;〔劇場・デパートなどの〕 《米》 a restroom,《英》 a toilet ⇒トイレ(ット)
    • 化粧室はどこか教えてもらえませんか
    • Could you please tell me where the restroom [ladies' room/mens' room] is?
  2. 化粧室2〔更衣室〕a dressing room
  1. 化粧水face [toilet] lotion
  1. 化粧石鹸せっけんtoilet soap
  1. 化粧台a dressing table;《米》 a dresser;《米》 a vanity
  1. 化粧断ちtrimming the edges of the paper [pages] evenly in the process of bookbinding or printing
  1. 化粧道具a toilet set; toilet articles
  1. 化粧直し化粧直しをする 〔顔の〕「touch up [repair] one's makeup
    • 化粧直しの済んだ劇場
    • 〔改装〕a remodeled [redecorated] theater
  1. 化粧箱a vanity [dressing] case, a makeup box;〔装飾した箱〕a fancy box;〔贈答用の〕a gift box
  1. 化粧品cosmetics; toilet articles
  1. 化粧品店a cosmetics store(▼ 《米》 では通常a drugstore)
  1. 化粧回し〔相撲で〕an ornamental silk apron worn by a sumo wrestler during the ceremony of entering the ring
  1. 化粧れんがornamental tiles

