1. I
  1. 1〔閉じる〕close, shut;〔つめる〕stop up, stuff up ((a hole)),fill (up) ((a crevice)),clog ((a pipe))
    • 瓶の口をふさぐ
    • stop (up) [seal] a bottle
    • 石塀の破れ目をセメントでふさいだ
    • They filled up the crevice [crack] in the stone wall with cement.
    • さあ,みんな,口をふさいで
    • Shut up now, everybody!
  1. 2〔障害物で遮る〕block (up); obstruct
    • 城の入口を大きな岩でふさいだ
    • They blocked (up) the entrance to the castle with big rocks.
    • 倒れた木が道路をふさいでいた
    • The fallen tree was obstructing [blocking] the road.
  1. 3〔場所をとる〕occupy
    • だれかの荷物が席をふさいでいる
    • Someone's bags are taking up the seat.
  1. II
  1. 1〔食欲を満たす〕
    • 腹をふさぐ
    • satisfy one's appetite
  1. 2〔果たす〕
    • 責めをふさぐ
    • fulfill one's responsibility ((as a teacher))
  1. 3〔耳にふたをする〕
    • 彼女は私が小言を言っても全く耳をふさいでいる
    • She 「takes no notice of [is deaf to/closes her ears to] my scoldings.

