1. 1〔自分の子〕a child ((複 children));《口》 a kid;〔息子〕a son;〔娘〕a daughter
    • 子供が二人いる
    • I have two children.
    • 彼らに子供ができた
    • A baby [child] was born to them.
    • ジムは子供たちを寝かしつけています
    • Jim is putting the kids to bed.
  1. 2〔幼い者〕a child,《口》 a kid;〔男〕a boy;〔女〕a girl;〔年少者〕a juvenile
    • 子供らしい
    • 〔あどけない〕innocent/childlike/〔幼稚な〕childish ((behavior, remarks))
    • 子供の読み物
    • children's reading (material)
    • 子供のしつけ
    • the training [disciplining] of children
    • 子供の遊び
    • childish [children's] games(▼childishは「子供っぽい」の意)
    • 彼女は子供扱いが上手だ
    • She is good at handling children.
    • 人を子供扱いする
    • treat a person like a child/baby a person
    • 彼は子供のころからの友達だ
    • He and I have been friends since we were children./He is a childhood friend.
    • 子供の使いじゃあるまいし
    • You ought to have handled this errand better ― you are not a mere child.
    • いくつになっても子供っぽい人だ
    • He's just as childish as ever in spite of his age.
    • 子供心にも父の気持ちが分かった
    • Though I was a child, I understood how my father felt.
  1. 子供時代((in)) one's childhood;〔幼時〕 ((in)) one's infancy
    • 彼は子供だましみたいな手を使った
    • He used a trick only a child would have fallen for.
    • そんな子供だましには乗らないぞ
    • I won't be taken in by such an obvious trick.
    • これはほんの子供だましですが,どうぞ
    • This is a mere trifle, but I hope you'll like it.
  1. 子供手当a child allowance
  1. 子供の権利条約the Convention on the Rights of the Child
  1. 子供の日Children's Day(▼May 5)
  2. 子供の日Children's Day is a national holiday that falls on May 5. It is designated as a day to respect children's individuality and to promote their well-being. As it was originally called Tango no Sekku, or Boys' Day, many families celebrate this day by doing things that honor boys, such as flying koinobori (carp streamers) or displaying warrior dolls. On this day it is also the custom for people to take a bath with iris leaves floating on the surface and to eat kashiwamochi, or rice cakes wrapped with oak leaves.(意訳:国民の祝日の一つで5月5日.子供の幸福をはかり,人格を尊重する日と定められている.もともと端午の節句なので,鯉のぼりを立てたり,武者人形を飾ったり,男の子のためのお祝いをするところが多い.またこの日は菖蒲湯に入ったり,柏餅を食べたりする習慣がある)
  1. 子供部屋a nursery

