1. 〔宣伝〕 ((place; run)) an advertisement,《口》 an ad,《英口》 an advert ((for));〔告知〕 ((put up)) a notice,((make)) an announcement;〔広告すること〕advertising

    広告する advertise

    • 求人広告
    • a help-wanted advertisementa want ad
    • 三段抜きの(新聞)広告
    • a three-column (newspaper) advertisement
    • 死亡広告
    • an obituary/a death notice
    • アフィリエイト広告
    • affiliated advertising
    • 最新型自動車の広告を新聞や雑誌に出した
    • They placed [put/ran] advertisements for the latest model cars in newspapers and magazines./They advertised the latest model cars in the press.
    • 彼は新聞に求人[求職]の広告をしている
    • He is advertising for help [a job/employment] in the newspaper.
  1. 広告会社an advertising agency; a public relations firm
  1. 広告気球an advertising balloon
  1. 広告業the advertising business
  1. 広告塔〔高い塔〕an ad pillar, an advertising tower;〔街頭の〕a poster column;〔団体を売りこむ役割の人〕a poster child [boy, girl] ((for))
  1. 広告主an advertiser;〔スポンサー〕a sponsor
  1. 広告媒体advertising media
  1. 広告費advertising costs
  1. 広告ビラ〔ちらし〕a handbill, a flyer;〔張り札〕a poster, a placard
    • 広告ビラを張る[出す]
    • put up a poster
  1. 広告放送a commercial
  1. 広告欄an advertising column [section];〔新聞の三行広告欄〕the classified ads
  1. 広告料the advertisement rate [charge]
  1. 広告倫理基準ethical standards for advertising

