1. 1〔あの方向〕
    • あちらに見えるのが東京タワーです
    • That structure over there is Tokyo Tower.
    • 晴れた日にはあちらに富士山が見えます
    • On a clear day, you can see Mt. Fuji in that direction.
    • あちらへ行きなさい
    • Get out of here./Go away.
    • 道のあちら側に立っている人
    • the man standing on the other side of the street
  1. 2〔あれ〕that
    • こちらよりあちらのほうが上等です
    • That one is better than this (one).
  1. 3〔あの方〕
    • あちらはどなたでしょうか
    • Who might that lady [gentleman] be?/Who is that lady [gentleman], may I ask?
  1. 4〔外国〕foreign countries
    • あちらでは友達や同僚は互いに名前を呼び合う
    • In foreign countries friends and colleagues call one another by their first names.
  1. あちら立てればこちらが立たず「You can't [It's hard to] please everybody./《口》 You're damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
    • はるかかなたに松林が見えた
    • I saw a pine forest 「far away [in the distance].
    • 海のかなたから
    • from beyond [across] the sea
    • 飛行機はあっという間に山のかなたに消えた
    • In an instant the plane vanished beyond the hills.

