1. 1〔精神〕(the) mind

    心の mental

    • 心と体
    • the mind and the body
    • 心も体も健康だ
    • He is sound in mind and body./He is mentally and physically sound.
    • 心の病におかされている
    • He is mentally ill.
    • 心に迷いはない
    • I feel no doubt.
    • 心に悩みがある
    • I am troubled.
    • 心の中で
    • in one's heart [mind]
    • 心の中で「うそだ」とつぶやいた
    • I muttered to myself,“No that's not true.”
  1. 2〔考え〕one's mind
    • 心の広い[狭い]
    • broad-[narrow-]minded
    • 彼は行くつもりだったが急に心が変わった
    • He (had) intended to go, but suddenly he changed his mind.
    • 彼に心をすっかり打ち明けた
    • I told him everything that was on my mind.
    • すべて心にまかせぬ[思いどおりにいかない]事ばかりだ
    • Nothing goes as I want./Everything goes wrong for me.
    • 将来について心がぐらついていた
    • He was in [of] two minds about his future./He couldn't make up his mind about his future.
    • よこしまな心は捨てなさい
    • Discard your evil thoughts.
  1. 3〔心情〕the heart;〔気持ち〕a feeling
    • 心の広い
    • big-hearted
    • 心の暖かい
    • warm-hearted
    • 汚れた心
    • an impure heart
    • 心を安んじる
    • set one's mind [heart] 「at ease [at rest]
    • 心の底から彼に礼を言った
    • I thanked him from the bottom of my heart.
    • 心はやさしい人です
    • He is gentle at heart.
    • 彼女は息子の病気に心を痛めている
    • She is 「fretting about [anxious about] her son's illness.
    • この花を見ると心が和らぐ
    • The sight of this flower 「calms my heart [soothes me].
    • あの子のことを考えると心が痛む[沈む]
    • My heart aches [sinks] when I think of the child.
    • 彼の将来を考えると心が重い
    • My heart is heavy when I think of his future.
    • それを聞くと心が躍った
    • My heart leaped to hear it.
    • 感謝[喜び]の心
    • a feeling of thankfulness [joy]
    • 彼は妻の心を思いやることができなかった
    • He could not enter into his wife's feelings.
  1. 4〔思いやり〕consideration; sympathy
  1. 5〔真心〕
    • 心の友
    • a very close friend/《口》 one's bosom buddy/〔特に異性で〕a soul mate
    • 心のこもった祝いの言葉を彼に贈った
    • I sent sincere words of congratulation to him./I sent him my heartfelt congratulations.
    • 心から妻を愛していた
    • He loved his wife with all his heart.
    • ご親切に心からお礼を申し上げます
    • I heartily [sincerely] thank you for your kindness./I want to express my heartfelt thanks for your kindness.
    • 心をこめて子供の世話をした
    • 「She gave herself completely to [She put herself completely into] the care of her children.
    • 心をこめて彼をもてなした
    • I entertained him warmly./I gave him a warm reception.
  1. 6〔愛情〕
    • 彼女の心をつかもうとできる限りのことをした
    • He did all he could to win her heart.
  1. 7〔注意〕attention
    • 彼らは環境改善に心を用いた
    • They took care to improve the environment.
    • 彼は物事のよい面ばかりに心を向けている
    • He looks only at the bright side of things.
  1. 8〔意味〕meaning
    • 茶の心が分かる人は少ない
    • Few people can understand the true meaning of the tea ceremony.
    • その心は
    • 〔日本のなぞなぞなどで聞く時〕What do you mean by that answer?/〔答える時〕I mean....
  1. 9〔好み〕one's taste, one's fancy;〔気分〕one's mood
    • 心にかなった模様
    • a pattern that suits one's taste/a pattern that takes one's fancy
    • 心のままに行動する
    • have one's own way
    • 人々の心は奢侈しゃしに傾いている
    • People are inclined to extravagance.
    • 今日はショーを見に行くのは心が進まない
    • I just don't feel like going to a show today.
    • その展覧会を見てから陶芸に心が動き始めた
    • After I visited the show, I 「developed a liking for [took a fancy to] ceramics.
    • 私たちは心が通い合っている
    • We are congenial.
    • ぱっと心が通い合った
    • They understood each other instantly./《口》 They hit it off instantly [right away].
    • 彼のあいさつには心が通っていなかった
    • He greeted me in a perfunctory manner.
    • それを考えると心が騒ぐ
    • I feel uneasy when I think of it.
  1. 心が弾むはずむ(弾む)II2
  1. 心ならずも心ならずも
    • 昔の情景が心に浮かんだ
    • Scenes of the old days 「rose before my eyes [flashed into my mind].
    • 素晴らしい計画が心に浮かんだ
    • I 「hit on [came up with] a splendid plan./A splendid plan occurred to me.
    • 彼女の花嫁姿を心に描いてみた
    • I imagined [pictured to myself] the way she would look as a bride.
  1. 心に掛かるしんぱい(心配)
    • 父の病気が心に掛かって眠れなかった
    • My father's illness 「so worried me [weighed on my mind so much] that I could not sleep.
    • そのことをそんなに心に掛けるな
    • Don't take the matter to heart so much./Don't worry about it so much./《口》 Don't take it so hard.
    • 叔母はいつも私のことを心に掛けてくれた
    • My aunt always had my best interests at heart.
    • その光景は私の心に刻みこまれている
    • The sight is engraved in my memory.
    • 心にそまぬ結婚をした
    • She married a man whom she did not care for.
    • 心にそまぬことをしてもうまくいかない
    • It is no good doing something which is not to your liking.
    • 彼女は彼の言ったことを心に留めていた
    • She bore [kept] in mind what he had said.
    • 心にもないことを申し上げたことをお許しください
    • Please forgive me. I didn't really mean what I said.
    • 心にもないことを言わないでくれ
    • Don't say what you don't mean.
    • 心にもないお世辞はだれに対しても言わないほうがいい
    • It's better not to pay anyone empty [insincere] compliments.
    • 心の丈を打ち明けてください
    • Please tell me all your worries.
    • 心を合わせて仕事をしている
    • They work closely together [in close cooperation].
    • 彼は心を入れ替えて仕事に励んだ
    • He turned over a new leaf and applied himself to his work.
    • 過去の怠惰を悔いて完全に心を入れかえた
    • He regretted his past idleness and 「mended his ways [reformed] completely.
    • 彼女の優しい言葉は彼の心を動かした
    • Her gentle words touched [moved] him.
    • それは見る者の心を打つ光景だった
    • It was a very touching [moving] sight to see.
    • 彼の勇敢な行為は村人の心を打った
    • The villagers were impressed by his courageous deed.
    • その女に心を奪われた
    • The woman stole his heart./He lost his heart to the woman.
    • 彼は研究に心を奪われて家族も顧みない
    • Fascinated by [Lost in] his research, he pays little attention to his wife and children.
    • 心を鬼にして息子を厳しく罰した
    • I steeled [hardened] myself and punished my son severely.
  1. 心を砕く1〔苦心する〕
    • 交渉がうまくいくように心を砕いた
    • He 「took great pains [made every effort] to ensure that the negotiations would proceed smoothly.
  2. 心を砕く2〔気にかける〕
    • 彼らは娘の幸せのために心を砕いている
    • They are quite concerned about their daughter's happiness.
    • お年寄に心を配ってあげなさい
    • Be considerate of old people.
    • 彼らの行動に心を配った
    • He paid special attention to what they did.
    • 私の心を汲んで彼女はそれ以上のことを聞かなかった
    • Taking my feelings into consideration [Out of sympathy for me], she asked no further questions.
  1. 心をこめる5
    • 美しい女性に心を引かれた
    • He was attracted [fascinated] by the beautiful woman.
    • その町には彼の心を引く物はなにもなかった
    • He found nothing attractive in that town.
  1. 心を向ける[用いる]7
    • あの男に心を許してはいけない
    • You should not trust him.
    • ちょっとうまくいったからといって心を許すな
    • Don't relax your attention because of a small success or two.
  1. 心を寄せる1〔愛情を持つ〕
    • 彼女に心を寄せている
    • He is in love with her.
  2. 心を寄せる2〔同情する〕
    • 不幸な人々に心を寄せる
    • 「Her heart goes out to [She feels sympathy for] unfortunate people.
    • 浮気心を起こす
    • be tempted to play around
    • 子供心にも,その人がかわいそうだと思った
    • Though I was only a child, I felt sorry for him.
  1. I
  1. 1〔心臓〕the heart
    • 心不全
    • heart failure/〔医学用語〕cardiac insufficiency
  1. 2〔体の一番深いところ〕 ⇒しん(芯)
  1. II
  1. 1〔本心〕one's heart
    • 心から好きな人
    • a person one really likes
  1. 2〔精神〕one's mind; one's spirit
    • 心がしっかりしている
    • She is emotionally steady [strong] by nature.
    • あの人と話していると心が疲れる
    • His company wears me out.

