1. I
  1. 1〔隣り合う〕be close ((to))
    • 国境に接する地帯
    • the area close to the border
    • 道路に接する地所
    • a lot fronting on a road
    • 倉庫が軒を接している通り
    • a street lined with warehouses
  1. 2〔一点で出合う〕contact
    • 二つの円が接する点
    • the point where two circles come in contact with each other
  1. 3〔近づける〕
    • 額を接してなにやら相談をしていた
    • They were discussing something with their heads close together.
  1. II
  1. 1〔接触する〕come in [into] contact ((with))
    • 職業柄,著名人に接する機会が多い
    • I have many opportunities to meet [come in contact with] well-known people because of my profession.
    • 初めて彼の芸術に接した
    • This is the first time I've come in contact with his work.
  1. 2〔応対する〕
    • 彼は客に丁寧に接した
    • He 「waited upon [attended to] his customers very politely.
  1. 3〔受け取る〕receive
    • 訃報ふほうに接する
    • receive the news of a person's death

