1. 1〔巡り合わせ〕(a) chance;〔因縁〕fate, (a) destiny, a (predestined) special bond [affinity] with another person
    • 縁があったらまた会いましょう
    • Let's meet again if we have a chance.
    • 不思議な縁で彼とは往復とも同じ飛行機だった
    • By a strange chance, he and I happened to take the same plane both ways.
    • ふとした縁で共同の事業を始めた
    • A chance happening led us to start a joint business venture.
    • これは前世の縁である
    • This is our destiny./This was predestined.
  1. 2〔人との関係,結びつき〕
    • 夫婦の縁を結ぶ
    • get married
    • 彼は私の妹と夫婦の縁を結んだ
    • He married my sister.
    • 夫婦の縁を切る
    • divorce one's husband [wife]/get a divorce
    • 親子の縁を切る
    • disown one's child
    • これも他生の縁と思って最後まで世話をした
    • I took care of him until the end, thinking that we may have been related in another world.
    • 私共には縁もゆかりもない人です
    • He is a perfect stranger to us.
  1. 3〔物事との関係〕
    • 金には縁のない男だ
    • He has never had much money.
    • 化学とは縁のない科学
    • sciences unrelated to chemistry
  1. 4えんがわ(縁側)
    • ぬれ縁
    • an open veranda
  1. 縁なき衆生は度し難し〔仏縁のない人〕Even Buddha cannot redeem those who do not believe in him./〔人の言葉を聞き入れない人〕We cannot help 「obstinate people [those who will not listen to our advice].
  1. 縁は異なもの味なものあじな(味な)
  1. 1〔へり〕an edge
    • 川[池]の縁にたたずむ
    • stand on 「the bank of a river [the edge of a pond]
    • 湖の縁に
    • on the shore of a lake
    • この皿は縁が欠けている
    • The edge of this dish is chipped.
    • 布の縁
    • a hem
    • カーテンの縁を縫う
    • hem a curtain
    • ビールがコップの縁からあふれた
    • Beer ran over the rim of the glass.
    • スープを茶わんの縁まで入れた
    • She filled the bowl to the brim with soup.
  1. 2〔帽子のつば〕
    • 帽子の縁
    • the brim of a hat
    • 縁の広い帽子
    • a broad-brimmed hat
  1. 3〔枠〕
    • 眼鏡の縁
    • the frames of a pair of glasses/spectacle frames
    • 銀縁の眼鏡
    • silver-framed glasses
    • 縁なし眼鏡
    • rimless glasses
  1. 1〔ふち〕the edge ⇒ふち(縁)
    • テーブル[崖]の縁
    • the edge of a table [cliff]
    • 縁にすみれを植えた花壇
    • a flowerbed bordered with violets
    • 川の縁に住んでいる
    • He lives by the river.
  1. 2〔畳などのへり布〕a border; an edging
    • 畳の縁
    • the cloth border [edging] of a tatami mat
  1. 〔つながり〕(a) connection; (a) relation ((between, to, with))
    • その町はこの詩に深いゆかりがある
    • The town 「is closely connected [is closely associated/has a close connection] with this poem.
    • あの女とは縁もゆかりもありません
    • The woman is a perfect stranger to me./I have no connection at all with the woman.
    • あの一家とはゆかりがないわけではない
    • I have some relation to the family./I'm not (entirely) unrelated to the family.
    • 山田さんのゆかりの者です
    • I am a relative [relation] of Mr. Yamada's.
  1. 〔手段〕a means ((of doing));〔助け〕help
    • 彼がどうなったか知るよすがもない
    • There is no means [way] of finding out what has happened to him.
    • アルバムは昔を思い出すよすがだ
    • A photo album 「reminds us of [helps us (to) remember/is a help in remembering] the past.

