1. 1〔つながりがつくこと〕contact

    連絡する contact; make contact ((with));get in touch ((with))

    • 警察と連絡を取る
    • contact the police
    • 緊密な連絡を保つ
    • keep in close contact [touch] ((with))
    • 彼が連絡を絶ってから5年になる
    • It has been five years since we last heard from him.
    • 彼となかなか連絡がつかない
    • I'm having trouble getting in touch with him.
  1. 2〔接続〕(a) connection ((to, with))
    • この列車は次の駅でバスと連絡している
    • This train connects to a bus at the next station./There is a bus connection at the next station.
  1. 3〔通報〕communication;〔通信〕correspondence ((with))

    連絡する communicate ((with))

    • 人に電話で連絡する
    • speak to a person over the telephone/contact a person by phone
    • 人に手紙で連絡する
    • write to a personget in touch with a person by mail
    • 彼から連絡があった
    • I have heard [had word] from him.
    • 彼らと定期的に連絡を取り合っている
    • We correspond with them regularly./We keep up a regular correspondence with them.
  1. 連絡駅a junction; a union station
  1. 連絡会議a liaison [lìːeizɔ́ːŋ|liéizɔn] conference
  1. 連絡係a liaison (person)
  1. 連絡切符a through [transfer, connection] ticket
  1. 連絡先〔新住所〕a new address
    • ロンドンに滞在中の連絡先を教えてください
    • Please give me the address (and telephone number) of the place where you'll be staying in London.
  1. 連絡事務所a liaison office
  1. 連絡将校a liaison officer
  1. 連絡線a connecting line
  1. 連絡板a bulletin [notice] board
  1. 連絡部a liaison department

