have the [an] advantage (of [over] A)
((形式)) 1 (Aより)有利な立場にある(◆不定冠詞の場合には通例 over) have the advantage of one's opponents競争相手より有利だ 2 ((英))〈...
press (home) an [one's] advantage
take advantage of A
1 A(人)をだます,A(人の弱み・善意)につけ込む take advantage of his generosity [kindness]彼の寛容さ[親切]につけこむ John took adv...
take A at advantage
to (best [good, great]) advantage
有利に,引き立つように Those clothes show her figure to advantage.それらの服は彼女の容姿を引き立たせる
to the advantage of A
A(人)に有利に[な],都合よく It would be to his advantage to learn Chinese.中国語を習うのは彼のためになるだろう
turn [use, put] A to (one's) advantage
A(物・事)を利用する;A(不利な形勢)を元に戻す,逆転する seize the moment and turn it to (one's) advantage機会をとらえてそれを有利に利用する
with advantage