at [in, on] the first face
Bag your face!
blow up [explode] in A's face
A's face fits [doesn't fit]
face to face
1 (…と)向かい合って,差し向かいで[の]≪with≫ talk face to face差し向かいで話し合う[談判する] 2 (…に)接して,直面して≪with≫ 3 (…と)衝突して,決定...
feed one's face
fly in the face of A
from [off] the face of the earth
get in A's face
Get out of my face!
have two faces
1 〈人が〉二心がある,裏表がある 2 〈言葉が〉二様に取れる,あいまいである
in A's face
1 A(人)の面前[目の前]で 2 A(人など)にまともに,Aの正面から
in (the) face of A
1 Aの前で;Aに直面して 2 A(困難・問題など)をものともせず;Aにもかかわらず 3 Aを考えると
In your face!
just another pretty face
keep (one's) face
1 笑わない[真顔]でいる(keep a straight face) 2 平然としている,ゆうゆうとしている
laugh on the other side of one's face
loss of face
not just a pretty face
on the face of it
open [shut] one's face
put a (new) face on A
put on a bold face
set [put] one's face against A
set one's face to [toward] A
1 Aの方角へ向かう 2 Aを意図する,Aへの第一歩を踏み出す(◆聖書より)
shoot off one's face
=shoot off one's MOUTH
show one's face
stare A in the face
1 A(人)の顔をじろじろ見る 2 ((略式))〈事実などが〉A(人)に明白である 3 〈物・事などが〉A(人)の目前に迫る,目前にある Death was staring her in the ...
suck face
throw A back in B's face