as ... as the next person [man, fellow, woman]
((略式))人並みに…で,他のだれにも劣らず[と同様に]…で(◆...は副詞・形容詞) I want money as much as the next man.僕だって人並みに金がほしい
get [be] next to [on] A
next to A
1 Aのすぐそばに,Aの隣に,Aにいちばん近い I sat next to my wife.妻のすぐそばに座った 1a Aに次ぐ;Aは別として the man next to him in r...
put [let] A next to B
(the) next A but one [two]
1つ[2つ]おいて次のA the next room but two2つおいて次の部屋
(the) next thing A knows
the next to last A
最後から2番目のA on the next to last page最後から2ページ目に
What next?
((略式)) 1 次は何にしますか 2 (驚いて)こんなばかなことがあるもんか,あきれた;お次は何なの
Whatever next!
as ... as the next (person [man, fellow, woman])