put in
1 他〈機械などを〉設置する;自〈船が〉(港に)一時的に入る≪at≫2 他〈努力などを〉注ぎ込む3 他〈要求などを...
put in [say] a (good) word for [about] A
put in [make] an appearance
put in one's shovel
put in [toss in, give] one's two cents (worth)
put it down the neck
put it on
1 〈人が〉太る2 〔put it on (thick)〕((主に英))大げさに言う,誇張する3 不当な代金を要求...
Put it there!
put money on A
1 A(レースなど)に金を賭かける(bet on)2 ((略式))A(人・事)の成功を確信する
put off
1 他((特に英))〈機械を〉止める,〈電気などを〉消す;〈習慣などを〉捨てる2 他((英))〈乗客を〉降ろす,〈...
put on
1 他〈衣類を〉身に着ける,〈化粧などを〉する(((形式))apply)(⇔take off),〈体重を〉増やす;...
put on a bold face
put on an act
((略式))芝居を打つHe is putting on an act for you.君のために一芝居打っているんだよ
put on [wear] gloves
put on one's thinking cap
put on the dog
put on the feed bag
put on the gloves
put on the ritz [the Ritz]
put one's ass on the line
put one's back into A
put one's best foot forward
2 ((米))できるだけよい印象を与えようとする1 ((英))精いっぱい急いで行く,急ぐ;全力を尽くす
put [set] one's best leg forward
1 全速力で歩く2 全力を尽くす
put [lay, place] one's cards on the table
put one's feet up
put one's finger on A
put one's foot down
1 足を踏みしめて立つ1a 断固[決然]とした態度をとる,断固として許さない[断る,反対する]2 ((英略式))(...
put one's foot in [into] it
1 うっかり踏み込んで窮地に陥る2 へまなことを言う,どじを踏む,ばつの悪い思いをする
put one's hand in one's pocket
put [set] one's hand to A
1 Aをつかむ2 =turn one's HAND to A
put [set] one's hand to the plow
put [stick, raise] one's head above the parapet
put one's head in the lion's mouth
put one's head [neck] into the [in a] noose
put [lay] one's head on the (chopping) block
put one's heads together
put one's mind to A
Aを心に決める,Aに専念するYou need to set [put] your mind to your bus...
put one's money into A
put one's money where one's mouth is
put [enter] one's name down (for A)
put [shove, stick] one's oar in
put [set, get] one's (own) house in order
1 家の中を整える;身の回りを整理する;仕事を片づける2 品行をよくする
put one's pants on one leg at a time
put one's right hand to A
put [bet, stake, lay] one's shirt on A
put [set] one's shoulder to the wheel
put one's worst foot forward
put oneself in A's place
put [set] oneself right
put [set] oneself right with A