tzetze fly
=tsetse fly
a [the whole] bag of tricks
a [the] deuce of a A
((やや古))=a [the, one] HELL of a A
a [the] devil of a ...
=a [the, one] HELL of a A.
a [the] hair of the dog (that bit one)
a [the, one] hell of a A
1 (程度を強調して)大変な[ものすごい]A(人・物など)make a hell of an effortものすご...
a [the] human touch
a [the] nigger in the woodpile [the fence]
a [the] point of contact
1 接触点,接点2 (2つの事柄の)接点find a point of contact between theor...
a [the] slippery slope
(A's) time is drawing near
add [put] oil to the fire [flames]
all along [(the way) down] the line
1 いたるところで2 まったく,ことごとく,すべての点で3 いつでも
(all) the more
(…のために)それだけいっそう,なおさら;かえって≪for,because≫I love her all the ...
all the [the whole] time
1 (ある期間)ずっと(続けて),絶えずIt rained all the time.雨続きだった2 いつも,常に...
all the [this, that] way
1 途中ずっと,道すがら,はるばる,わざわざrun all the way to the station駅までずっ...
all the while
(all) the world and his wife
(all) to pieces
1 粉々[切れ切れ]に;ばらばらに2 つじつまが合わなくなって3 非常に,すっかり,完全に
(and) that's a fact
(and) that's all she wrote
another [a second] bite at the cherry
another [the other] woman
around [((英))round] the clock
1 24時間ぶっ通しで,四六時中2 休みなく,絶えず
as [for, like, than] all get-out
as [that] much again
(as) thick as shit
(as) thick as two (short) planks
(as) to the manner born
((形式))1 きっすいの2 (ある習慣などに)生まれたときから適している,生来熟知の
(as) tough as nails
1 〈人が〉頑健な;(ちょっとやそっとで)へこたれない2 〈ステーキなどが〉とても堅い
(as) tough as old boots
1 〈人が〉頑健な;(ちょっとやそっとで)へこたれない2 〈ステーキなどが〉とても堅い
(as) tough as shoe leather
assume [take] the aggressive
(at) full [top] speed
1 全速力で2 一生懸命に
be a love and ...
(be) the worse for drink
(be) to blame
(…の)責めを負うべきである;(…の)原因である≪for≫Who is to blame for his deat...
bear [take, suffer] the brunt of A
blot [taint] on one's [the] escutcheon
blow [toot] one's own horn
bring [throw] A into question
by [through] osmosis
1 浸透によって2 (知識などを)いつの間にか身につけて
carry [take, bring] coals to Newcastle
carry [take] (out) one's bat
1 《クリケット》〈打者が〉アウトにならずに残る2 ((英略式))がんばり抜く,結局成功する
carry [take] the can (back)
cast [set, turn] A adrift