(a pair of) jeans ⇒ジーパン(Gパン)
a gene bank
time何時ですかWhat time is it?3時15分ですIt is a quarter past thre...
店じまい⇒みせじまい(店仕舞い)彼の家には行かずじまいだったI never made it to his plac...
1〔染み着く〕汗じみるbecome sweaty/become damp with sweat脂じみたズボンgre...
1メートル弱a little under [less than] a meter1,000名弱の学生nearly ...
1〔…の間ずっと〕その間中throughout that period/during all that time2...
a castle江戸城Edo Castle
教育上from an educational 「point of view [standpoint/viewpoi...
2の5乗the 5th power of 2/25(▼two to the fifth powerと読む)10を2...
松下嬢Miss Matsushita
a quire ((of writing paper)) (▼quireは24枚)半紙1帖twenty sheet...
1〔箇条〕憲法第9条Article 9 of the Constitution2〔すじ〕一条の煙a streak ...
6畳の間a six-mat roomその部屋は何畳ですかHow many mats does the room h...
〔接尾語〕-ite; -er東京人a Tokyoite中西部[ニューヨーク]人a Midwesterner [Ne...
a group ((of))報道陣《米》 the press (corps)/《英》 the pressmen教授...