1〔温度・角度などの単位〕熱は39度ですYour temperature is thirty-nine degre...
夜通しall [throughout the] night犬が夜通しほえていたThe dog barked all...
1〔街路〕並木通り〔並木道〕a tree-lined street/an avenue lined with tr...
今時そんな歌ははやらないSongs like that aren't in fashion 「these days...
((副助詞)) ⇒-どころか「今晩映画に行こうか」「忙しくてそれどころじゃない」“How about going ...
1〔要点,中心点〕彼の話はつかみどころがないWhat he says is always so vague [ne...
((副助詞))1〔まったく反対に〕喜ぶどころか大変に怒ったFar from being pleased, he g...
((副助詞))1〔強い否定〕彼は旅行どころの騒ぎでないGoing on a journey is the last...
〔男性〕Mr. ((複 Messrs.));〔女性〕Ms. [míz] ((複 Mses.));〔既婚女性〕Mrs...
立川止まりの電車a train that goes only as far as Tachikawaこの電車はこの...
((接続助詞))子供といえどもばかにならないChild though he is, he's no fool.行け...