1. I〔仮名文字の〕the Japanese alphabet [syllabary]
    • 名前をいろは順に並べる
    • arrange names in Japanese alphabetic [syllabic] order
  1. II〔初歩〕the basics; the rudiments; the ABC(s) ((of))
    • ゴルフをいろはから習う
    • learn to play golf, starting from the basics
    • 彼は核兵器についていろはの「い」の字も知らない
    • He doesn't 「have even a rudimentary knowledge of [know even the first thing about] nuclear weapons.
  1. いろはガルタiroha-garuta; a pack of cards, each of which is printed with one proverb beginning with a different letter of the Japanese alphabet; the iroha-garuta game (for children)
  2. いろはガルタIroha-garuta is an educational card-matching game for children. An iroha-garuta deck consists of two sets of 47 cards. Each torifuda, or grabbing card, has one of the 47 Japanese phonetic letters on it, together with a graphic illustration of a proverb which starts with that letter. Each yomifuda, or reading card, has the entire text of a proverb on it. One player reads the proverb on a yomifuda card, while the rest of the players compete to“grab”the matching card from the spread of torifuda cards. The key to winning is the ability to identify each proverb quickly. Karuta games, including Hyakunin Isshu, are traditionally played on New Year's Day.(意訳:「いろは」47文字のそれぞれの字で始まる47のことわざを,子どもに親しみやすいようにカルタにしたもの.カルタには,一文字のかなと,ことわざに関する挿絵が描かれている「取り札」と,ことわざ全文が書かれている「読み札」とがある.一人が読み札を読み上げ,他の人が競って取り札を取り合う.百人一首なども含むカルタは代表的な正月の遊びでもある)

