1. 1〔理由〕
    • そのためでしたか,彼が遅れたのは
    • Was that (the reason) why he was late?
    • 彼はたしかに病身だが成功しないのはそのためばかりではない
    • He is certainly sickly, 「but it is not only on that account that [but that is not the only reason] he never succeeds.
  1. 2〔目的〕
    • そのためにこそお前を大学に入れたのだ
    • It was for that purpose that we sent you to a university.
    • そのための病院が不足している
    • We are short of hospitals that can handle such cases.
  1. 3〔結果〕
    • そのため彼は破産した
    • As a result [Consequently], he went bankrupt.

