1. 1〔禁止〕must not ((do));should not ((do))
    • 彼にそれを知らせてはならない
    • Don't let him know about it.
    • ここではたばこを吸ってはならない
    • You mustn't smoke here.
  1. 2〔必要〕must ((do));have to ((do));《口》 (have) got to ((do));need to ((do));〔義務,当然〕should ((do));〔当然〕ought to ((do))
    • 車を修理しなくてはならない
    • The car 「must be repaired [needs repairs].
    • 出掛けなければならない
    • I have to go out.
    • 君は会議に出席していなければならなかったのに
    • You should [ought to] have attended the meeting./You were supposed to attend the meeting.
  1. 3〔仕方がない〕
    • それはどうにもならない
    • It cannot be helped./There is nothing I can do about it.
    • どうもそう思われてならない
    • I can't help thinking so.
    • 母が死んだときは悲しくてならなかった
    • I was overcome with grief when my mother died.
  1. 4〔できない〕
    • 我慢ならない男だ
    • He is insufferable./I can't stand him.
    • もう勘弁ならない
    • I can't stand it anymore.
    • それは一刻の猶予もならない
    • It cannot be put off./It must be done at once.

