1. I
  1. 1〔鳴り渡る〕sound;〔反響する〕echo, resound, reverberate
    • この楽器はよく響かない
    • This instrument doesn't sound good.
    • 拍手が天井に響いた
    • The roof resounded with their applause.
    • 彼女の声はよく響く
    • She has a resonant voice./Her voice carries well.
    • 銃声が響いた
    • We heard the report of a gun.
  1. 2〔聞こえる〕
    • こんな言い方は変に響きますか
    • Does this expression sound strange?
  1. II
  1. 1〔影響を与える〕
    • 飲み過ぎが健康に響いた
    • Excessive drinking told on him.
    • 悪天候が稲作に響いた
    • The bad weather affected the rice crop.
    • この間の失敗がよほど響いているらしい
    • His recent failure seems to have been a great shock to him.
    • 何と言われても彼には響かない
    • He doesn't care what they say about him.
    • その政策は両国の関係に大きく響くだろう
    • That policy will have great effect on the relations between the two nations.
  1. 2〔評判になる〕 ⇒ひびきわたる(響き渡る)

