1. 1〔四〕four ⇒し(四)
  1. 2〔相撲の〕
    • けんか四つ
    • kenka yotsu/a sumo bout between two wrestlers who both try to get an underarm belt grip on the same side
  1. 四つに組む1〔相撲で〕seize each other's belts with both hands
    • 四つに組みました
    • The wrestlers locked, both having grips on the other's belt with both hands.
  2. 四つに組む2〔仕事などと〕tackle squarely
    • 公害問題に四つに取り組む
    • tackle the pollution problem squarely [head on]/grapple [come to grips] with the pollution problem
  1. 四つ子quadruplets [kwɑdrʌ́plits|kwɔ́dru-];《口》 quads
  1. 四つ相撲sumo wrestling in which both wrestlers grasp each other's belts with both hands
    • すいかを四つ割りにする
    • cut [split] a watermelon into quarters [four pieces]
  1. four ⇒し(四)
    • 四つの子
    • a child of four

