1. 1〔健康状態〕
    • 身体の具合がよい[悪い]
    • be [feel] well [unwell/ill]/be in good [poor] health
    • お父さんの具合はいかがですか
    • How is your father?
    • どうもおなかの具合がよくない
    • Something seems to be the matter with my stomach.
  1. 2〔物事の状態・調子〕
    • 仕事の具合はどうですか
    • How is your work going?
    • あんな具合では3か月かかる
    • If he works [does it] 「like that [at that speed], it will take him three months to finish it.
    • この靴は具合がとてもよい
    • These shoes 「fit me very well [are very comfortable].
    • この食器棚は具合よくできている
    • This cupboard is well designed.
    • コンピュータが具合よく作動している
    • The computer is working well.
    • どうもミシンの具合が悪い
    • Something is wrong [the matter] with the sewing machine.
    • 天気の具合が思わしくない
    • Weather conditions are unfavorable.
  1. 3〔やり方〕
    • どういう具合にやったのですか
    • How [In what way] did you do it?
    • あんな具合じゃうまくいかない
    • That is not the (right) way to do it.
  1. 4〔都合〕
    • いい具合に途中で彼に出会った
    • Luckily I met him on the way.
    • 万事具合よくいった
    • Everything went well [smoothly].
    • 具合の悪いときに電話が鳴った
    • The telephone rang at a most inconvenient [unwelcome] moment.
    • ここで彼に出会うのは具合が悪い
    • It would be awkward for me to run into him here.
  1. 5〔体裁〕
    • 会議中居眠りをしているところを彼に見られて具合の悪い思いをした
    • I was embarrassed to have him see me dozing during the meeting.

