1. 〔薬〕medicine;〔医療〕medical treatment [care]
    • 医薬の効なく
    • in spite of all that the doctors could do
    • 医薬を施す
    • give a person medical treatment
    • その病人は医薬の施しようがない
    • The patient is past [beyond] medical help.
  1. 医薬制度medical and pharmaceutical systems
  1. 医薬品medical supplies
    • 医薬品副作用被害者救済制度
    • a relief system for the victims of harmful side effects of medicines
  1. 医薬品会社a pharmaceutical [drug manufacturing] company
  1. 医薬品添加物a pharmaceutical additive
  1. 医薬部外品quasi-drugs; a category between medicine and cosmetics defined by the Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs Law
    • スキンケア製品の中には日本では「医薬部外品」扱いとなるものがある
    • Some skin care products are categorized as“quasi-drugs”in Japan.
  1. 医薬分業the separation of pharmacy and clinic

