1. 1〔一か所に集まる〕
    • これで全員そろった
    • Everyone has arrived now.
    • そろって先生のところへ行った
    • We went to see the teacher all together.
    • この図書館には生物関係の本がそろっている
    • This library has a good collection of books on biology.
    • あの店には子供のものが何でもそろっている
    • They carry [stock] everything for children at that store.
  1. 2〔全部整う〕
    • これでディナーセットが全部そろう
    • This completes the dinner set.
    • 美しくて賢くて健康で,三拍子そろった女性だ
    • She is an all-round [ideal] woman ― beautiful, intelligent and healthy.
    • 客の数だけコップがそろわない
    • We do not have enough glasses for all the guests.
    • この百科事典はそろっていない
    • Some of the volumes of this encyclopedia are missing.
    • 条件がそろうのを待っていたらいつまでも職につけない
    • If you keep waiting for a job that satisfies all those [your] conditions, you'll wait forever.
  1. 3〔同じ状態になる〕
    • 真珠の粒がそろっていない
    • The pearls are not well matched./The pearls are uneven [irregular in size].
    • そろいもそろって素人ばかりだ
    • Every (single [last]) one of them is an amateur./They are amateurs, one and all./They are all amateurs without a single exception.
    • 全員の足並みがそろうと行進が美しく見える
    • A march [parade] looks nice when everyone is in (perfect) step.
    • 各組合の足並みがそろわない
    • The unions are in disagreement.
    • 左右がそろっていない手袋をはめていた
    • She was wearing an odd pair of gloves.
    • この辺は道幅がそろっている
    • In this neighborhood the roads are all the same width.

