1. I
  1. 1〔宗教的な修行をすること〕 ⇒しゅぎょう(修行)religious asceticism
    • 精進に務める
    • practice asceticism (and devote oneself to religion)
  1. 2〔肉食をしないこと〕abstinence from fish and meat; a vegetarian diet

    精進する abstain from fish and meat; live on a vegetarian diet

  1. II〔熱心に努力すること〕earnest application;〔専心〕devotion ((to))
    • 彼は学問に精進した
    • He devoted [applied] himself to his studies.
  1. 精進揚げdeep-fried vegetables
  1. 精進明け[落ち]the end of a period of abstinence (from fish and meat)
  1. 精進落としproviding [having] a meal at the end of a funeral
  1. 精進日a day of abstinence
  1. 精進料理vegetarian cooking [cuisine]

