1. (an) election

    選挙する elect

    • 総選挙
    • a general election
    • 地方選挙
    • a local election
    • 中間選挙
    • an interim election/《米》 「a midterm [an off-year] election
    • 補欠選挙
    • a by-election/《米》 a special electionan election to fill a vacancy
    • 直接[間接]選挙
    • direct [indirect] election ((of))
    • 市会議員選挙
    • a municipal election
    • 選挙の予想
    • an election prediction
    • (会長の)選挙に出る
    • 《米》 run [《英》 stand] in an election (for president)
    • 井上氏は委員長[学長]に選挙された
    • Mr. Inoue was elected chairman [president of the university].
    • 我が党は選挙で勝った[負けた]
    • Our party won [was defeated in] the election.
  1. 選挙違反election irregularities; an election violation [offense];a violation of the election law(s)
  1. 選挙運動((take part in)) an election campaign; campaigning
  2. 選挙運動選挙運動をする campaign (for office);electioneer
  1. 選挙運動員a campaign worker [staffer]; a campaigner; a canvasser
  1. 選挙演説((make)) a campaign speech
  1. 選挙応援演説((make)) a campaign speech in behalf of ((a person))
  1. 選挙カーa campaign car [truck]
  1. 選挙管理election administration
  1. 選挙管理委員会the Election Administration Committee
  1. 選挙区an electoral district; a constituency
    • 選挙区改正
    • the redrawing of electoral districts/redistricting/〔自党に有利な〕gerrymandering
  1. 選挙権the right to vote; suffrage
  1. 選挙公報a campaign bulletin
  1. 選挙公約a campaign platform
    • 自民党は景気回復促進を選挙公約に掲げた
    • The Liberal Democratic Party pledged [promised] during the election campaign to promote economic recovery.
  1. 選挙参謀a (chief) campaign strategist
  1. 選挙資金[運動費]campaign spending [expenditures; funds]
    • 選挙資金の収支報告は公開されている
    • The balance sheets for all campaign expenditures are open to the public.
  1. 選挙事務所an election campaign office
  1. 選挙制度the election system
  1. 選挙制度改革election system reform
  1. 選挙戦an electoral campaign [race]
    • 10日間の選挙戦に入る
    • start a ten-day electoral campaign
  1. 選挙立会人a witness
  1. 選挙人a qualified voter
    • 選挙人名簿
    • a voter registration list/《英》 the electoral roll [register]
  1. 選挙日(an) election day
  1. 選挙法the election laws
  1. 選挙妨害「obstruction of [interference with] an election campaign; election obstruction
  1. 選挙ポスター((put up)) a campaign poster
  1. 選挙民a constituent;〔総称〕the electorate

