1. busy
    • …で忙しい
    • be busy [occupied] with [at/over]...
    • 私は仕事で忙しい
    • I am busy with my work.
    • 旅行の支度で忙しかった
    • I was busy getting ready for my journey.
    • ミーティングで6時まで忙しい
    • 《口》 I'll be tied up in a meeting until six.
    • 今日はひどく忙しかった
    • I've had a hectic day.
    • いろいろ忙しくて手紙を書けない
    • I have so many things to do that I have no time to write letters.
    • 今月末までずっと忙しい
    • I'm fully occupied [《文》 engaged] until the end of this month.
    • 忙しい一日だった
    • It was a busy day.
    • 忙しい日程だった
    • Our schedule was full [tight].
    • お忙しいところ恐縮ですがこの書類に目を通していただけますか
    • I'm sorry to bother [disturb/interrupt] you when you are busy, but could you check these papers [this document]?
  1. 1〔忙しい〕busy ⇒いそがしい(忙しい)
  1. 2〔せかせかする〕restless
    • いつもせわしい人だ
    • He is always restless.

