Christmas;〔クリスマスの季節〕the Christmas [holiday] season
Christmas is not an official holiday in Japan and is for most people a normal workday. However, it is widely celebrated as a festive non-religious event among the Japanese, very few of whom are Christian. On Christmas Eve, families with small children often decorate Christmas trees, buy decorated cakes, and have special, big dinners together. Children look forward to Santa's bringing gifts that night, and parents prepare and place Christmas presents by their beds ― taking care not to be seen. Christmas Eve is also a big occasion for couples, who spend it having dinner at romantic restaurants and exchanging presents. 意訳:クリスマスは,日本ではキリスト教徒でない人も祭りの一つとして祝い,国民的な年中行事になっている.クリスマスイブには子どものいる家庭ではクリスマスツリーやケーキを用意し,ごちそうを食べて祝う.子どもたちにとって楽しみなのはその夜サンタクロースが持ってきてくれるプレゼントで,親は子どもに気づかれないように前もって準備する.恋人たちはしゃれたレストランで食事をしたり,プレゼントを交換したりして過ごす
on Christmas Day
Merry Christmas!/A merry Christmas to you!/《英》 Happy Christmas!