1. 〔期待〕expectation(s);〔希望〕(a) hope

    予期する expect ((a person to do; that));anticipate ((that))

    • 予期に反して
    • contrary to one's expectations
    • 特別寒い冬を予期して厚いコートを買った
    • She bought a heavy coat expecting [in anticipation of] an unusually cold winter.
    • 彼女が来てくれるとは予期していなかった
    • I had not expectedthat she would come [her to come].
    • 津波は予期したよりも早く打ち寄せた
    • The tsunami [tidal wave] struck earlier than we had anticipated.
    • 予期していたとおり彼は留守だった
    • He was out, just as I had feared.
    • 父母の死は彼の人生に予期しなかった変化をもたらした
    • His parents' death brought about an unexpected change in his life.

