1. 1〔間に合わせ〕仮の 〔一時的な〕temporary, provisional;〔急場しのぎの〕makeshift, stopgap;〔試験的な〕tentative
    • 仮の住まい
    • a temporary residence
    • 仮の案
    • a temporary [tentative] plan
    • 仮の世
    • this transient [ephemeral] world
  1. 2〔偽り〕
    • 仮の名前
    • a fictitious [false] name
  1. 3〔仮定〕
    • これは仮の話だが,君が課長になったとしよう
    • Let us assume that you are section head.
  1. 仮株券a scrip (certificate); a temporary share certificate
  1. 仮勘定a suspense [temporary; nominal] account
  1. 仮契約「an interim [a provisional] agreement
  1. 仮決議a provisional resolution
  1. 仮建築a temporary structure; a makeshift building
  1. 仮小屋a temporary shed [hut]
  1. 仮釈放[出獄]かりしゅっしょ(仮出所)
    • 仮祝言を上げる
    • hold a private wedding
  1. 仮需要〔投機の〕speculative demand
  1. 仮条約a provisional treaty; an interim treaty
  1. 仮処分仮処分
  1. 仮調印initialing
    • 協約に仮調印する
    • initial a treaty
  1. 仮登記temporary [provisional] registration (at the recorder's office)
  1. 仮配当an interim dividend
  1. 仮包帯a temporary [makeshift] bandage;〔戦場の〕(a) field dressing
    • 仮包帯所
    • a dressing [an aid] station

