- I〔足し算と引き算〕addition and subtraction
- II
- 1〔調節すること〕adjustment, moderation;〔手加減〕an allowance
加減する 〔調節する〕adjust ((to)),moderate;〔手加減する〕make (an) allowance ((for))
- いすの高さは少年の身長に応じて加減してある
- The height of the chair is adjusted to the height of the boy.
- 物事をほどよく加減してする
- do things in moderation
- 生徒の精神年齢に応じて叱り方を加減しなさい
- When you scold pupils, you must make allowances for their mental age.
- 2〔物事の調子や具合〕
- パンを焼くには火加減が大事だ
- In baking bread, the temperature of the oven is very important.
- ちょうどいい味加減です
- It is perfectly seasoned.
- お吸物の加減はいかがですか
- How do you like the soup?
- 肉の焼き加減はいかがいたしましょう
- How would you like your meat done?(▼答えはwell done, medium well, medium, medium rare, あるいはrare)
- 彼女の口のうまさ加減には驚く
- What a glib tongue she has!
- 君のばかさ加減にはうんざりだ
- I'm fed up with your stupidity.
- いい加減にしなさい
- Cut it out./Stop it.
- 陽気の加減かどうも体がだるい
- I feel tired. Maybe it's the weather.
- どうした加減か実験がうまくいかなかった
- The experiment didn't go well for some reason.
- 3〔健康状態〕
- お加減はいかがですか
- How do you feel?/How are you?
- 病人の加減はよくない
- The patient is not doing well.
- 少し腹の加減が悪い
- Something is wrong with my stomach.
- 4〔少し…の感じ〕
- 彼女はうつむき加減に話し出した
- She began to talk 「with her head slightly lowered [with downcast eyes].
- 加減乗除addition, subtraction, multiplication and division