- 1〔正反対〕the opposite; the contrary;〔逆〕the reverse
反対の opposite; reverse
- 白の反対は黒である
- The opposite of“white”is“black.”
- 姉は勤勉だが,私は全く反対だ
- My sister is diligent and I am just the opposite.
- 事実はまさに反対だ
- Just the reverse [contrary] is true.
- それとは反対のうわさを聞いた
- I heard a rumor to the contrary.
- 子供は靴を反対の足に履いていた
- The child was wearing his shoes on the wrong feet.
- 道路の反対側に渡った
- I crossed to the other [opposite] side of the road.
- 彼を投げ飛ばそうとしたが,反対にねじ伏せられた
- I tried to throw him but got pinned (down) instead.
- 見掛けとは反対に,心がやさしい
- Appearances to the contrary, he is a kind-hearted man.
- 2〔逆らうこと〕opposition ((to));〔異議〕(an) objection ((to))
反対する oppose; be opposed to; object ((to; that))
- 彼の計画は仲間の猛烈な反対にあった
- His plan met with strong opposition from his friends.
- 人の激しい反対を押し切って
- over a person's dead body
- 私は絶対に反対だからね
- You'll have to do it over my dead body.
- 彼は妻の強い反対を押し切って投機に手を出した
- He went in for speculation in spite of his wife's (strong) objections.
- 反対多数
- 〔投票で〕The noes have it.
- 彼に反対した人々は首になった
- Those who were opposed to him were fired.
- 我々は戦争に強く反対した
- We strongly 「objected to [opposed] the war.
- 彼はその計画に反対である
- He is against the plan.
- 反対運動an opposition movement
- 原水爆反対運動を起こした
- They started a movement against atomic and hydrogen bombs.
- 反対給付a return service; performance in return; a quid pro quo
- 反対語an antonym
- 反対者an opponent
- 反対色a complementary color
- 反対尋問(a) cross-examination
- 反対尋問をする
- cross-examine ((a witness))
- 反対勢力a counterinfluence; a counterforce
- 反対提案a counterproposal
- 反対党an opposition party
- 反対投票a negative vote
- 賛成と反対投票
- the ayes [yeas] and nays
- 法案に反対投票したのは少数にすぎなかった
- Only a few voted against the bill.
- 反対貿易風an antitrade wind