1. 1〔言うことには〕
    • 聖書にいわく
    • the Bible says...
  1. 2〔理由,事情〕a reason
    • いわくがあって
    • for certain reasons
    • これにはいわくがある
    • There is a story about it.
    • どうもいわくがありそうだ
    • There seems to be something behind it.
    • 彼女はいわくありげな目付きで彼を見た
    • She cast a meaningful glance at him.
    • いわく言い難い魅力
    • (an) indescribable charm
    • 事情は複雑でいわく言い難い
    • The situation is too complicated for words.
  1. いわく因縁a complicated story
    • 彼はこの事柄のいわく因縁を聞かせてくれた
    • He told me how the whole matter had come about.
    • それについてのいわく因縁は何も知らない
    • I have no idea 「how it all got started [what lies behind it].
    • いわく付きの女
    • a woman with a past
    • 家賃が安いと思ったらやっぱりいわく付きの家だった
    • I thought the rent was low, and, sure enough, I later found out that the house had a story behind it.

