1. 1〔提案〕a suggestion;〔考案〕an idea

    発案する suggest ((an idea));〔考案する〕originate ((an idea))

    • それは彼の発案です
    • 〔考案〕The idea originated with him./It was his idea./〔提案〕He proposed [suggested] the idea.
    • 彼の発案で行き先を変更した
    • We changed our destination at his suggestion.
    • この装置はだれの発案でしたか
    • Who thought up this device?
  1. 2〔動議〕a motion

    発案する move

    • 二日間の休会を発案します
    • I move that we adjourn for two days.
  1. 発案権〔議会などで〕the initiative, the right to introduce a bill;〔動議の〕the right to make a motion
  1. 発案者a proposer;〔動議の〕a mover

