These days, 100-yen shops can be found almost everywhere, and sell a variety of items from groceries to miscellaneous household goods, all for 100 yen. Mostly chain stores, some are the size of supermarkets and boast a wide selection of merchandise, perhaps with as many as 15,000 items. In this business model, single items of the same type are retailed in great volume at very low prices. Ideas such as selling fresh produce in small quantities_just three mikan (Japanese tangerines) or one-third of a head of cabbage, for example_for 100 yen are well suited to the needs of nuclear families and the aging population, both of which are increasing in today's Japan. 意訳:日用雑貨や食料品をすべて100円で売る店で,チェーン店が多い.スーパー並の広さに1万5,000種の商品を並べる大型店もある.みかん3個で100円,キャベツは3分の1で100円といった生鮮食品の少量販売は,高齢化・核家族化が進む日本の現状にマッチしている