- (a) conviction, a firm belief ((that));〔自信〕confidence ((that))
確信する be convinced ((of; that))
- 彼が立派な人間だという確信を強めた
- My conviction that he is an admirable man was confirmed.
- 彼は潔白だと確信している
- I 「am convinced of [believe firmly in] his innocence.
- これだけは確信をもって申せます
- This much I can say with confidence.
- 彼女なら確信をもって推薦できます
- I recommend her with confidence.
- 成功すると確信しているのか
- Are you sure 「of success [(that) you will succeed]?
- 確信はありません
- I am not certain.
- 確信犯1〔政治的・思想的確信に基づく〕(a person who commits) a crime of conscience
- 確信犯2〔結果を予期した上であえて行う〕
- あれは失言ではなく確信犯だ
- That was not a slip of the tongue. He knew exactly what he was saying.