1. a (common) cold;〔流感〕influenza,《口》 (the) flu
    • かぜをひく
    • catch (a) cold
    • ひどいかぜをひいている
    • He has a bad cold.
    • 鼻かぜをひいている
    • I have a cold in the head.
    • かぜをひいて寝ている
    • He 「is laid up [is down] with a cold./He is in bed with a cold.
    • かぜがはやっている
    • There's a lot of flu 「going around [about].
    • かぜをひき直したらしい
    • I seem to have caught a second cold.
    • かぜをこじらせるよ
    • You'll make your cold worse.
    • かぜの引きかけに無理をしないように
    • You should not overwork when you are coming down with a cold.
    • 友達からかぜをうつされた
    • I caught a cold from my friend.
    • 香港かぜ
    • Hong Kong flu
  1. 風邪薬a medicine for cold, a cold remedy;〔錠剤〕cold tablets

